Hey I'm Jordan Goeuriot, I live at Joeuf, Lorraine in France, I was born next to my city in 1991
I play basketball, and this sport was a leisure when I was young but, now I practise basketball very seriously ! When I was young, I practised tennis, swim but I stopped practising these sports for basketball.
Next, I study at a high school near my city at Briey, and I try to work hard because I want to have my exam on June. After, I want to study at an american university because I think that it's the best solution to have a great degree and to progress on basketball in the same time.
Afterwards I enjoy hip hop music, from USA or from France, I don't see a real difference between the hip hop music from USA and from France
I like spending time with friends and family !! And I enjoy travelling, during the holidays, I traveled a lot with my family in France, We also went in Italy, Austria and Germany.
If you like, you could visit my facebook profile :
I'm very excited to come to ATLANTA.
Bye. Jordan
Bonjour! Je t'ai envoyé un message sur facebook. C'est très chouette que tu veux aller aux Etats-Unis après lycée. Au revoir mon ami - Kai
Kai! Bonjour!!! Je t'aime :)
Quelle université aimerais-tu pour étudier aux Etats-Unis ? Ce serait impressionnant si tu pourrais jouer au basketball là. J'espère que ton équipe joue bien et je suis heureuse à te voir quand tu viens, bien que tu ne peux pas rester avec moi :(
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